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Tailoring work clothes tailoring process requirements

In the company of employees to choose to do when the overalls, will take into account the fabric, style, pattern and a series of factors, then the process of making overalls, cutting is actually very important, because if the cut is good, then produce the uniform will be very fit.
According to the template before the crop to draw a marker map, "complete, reasonable and economical" is the basic principle of nesting. In the cutting process in the main process requirements are as follows:
(1) when the amount of material dragging material, pay attention to avoid defects.
(2) for different batches of batches of stained or sanded fabric to cut to prevent the same pieces of clothing on the color phenomenon. For a color difference in the fabric of the phenomenon to be color discharge nesting.
(3) When laying the material, pay attention to whether the silk thread of the fabric is straight and the direction of the thread of the garment is in line with the technological requirements. For the velvet fabric (such as velvet, velvet, corduroy, etc.), it will not affect the clothing color. Of the depth.
(4) for the strip Check the fabric, when the material should pay attention to each layer of the grid alignment and positioning to ensure that clothing on the coherent and symmetrical grid.
(5) cutting requirements under knife accurate, smooth straight lines. Shop not too thick, the upper and lower fabric is not a knife.
(6) according to the template mark cutting edge.
(7) mark the use of tapered holes should be careful not to affect the appearance of clothing. After the cut to check the number and the film work, and in accordance with clothing specifications sub-heap tied, attached to the ticket number, location, specifications.
These are the overalls in the cutting process when the process requirements, can produce a fit of clothes to see whether the appropriate cut, we can look at.

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